Monday, April 23, 2012

52 Weeks of Colour- Shuttle Grey (aka My Pieces of Sunshine)

Week 18

It was fitting that this week's colour was grey, its been a grey kind of weekend for me. Lots of ups and downs in RL and SL, lots of tears and not enough smiles and all together one of those times when you get really close to throwing in the towel and calling it quits.

Then last night while cleaning inventory I saw something that caught my eye, it was this potted flower called "Little Piece of Sunshine" I picked it up at the Kawaii Fair and had forgotten about it. Its not much just a simple potted flower, but the reason it caught my eye was because it reminded me that instead of focusing on all the grey I needed to dust myself off, wipe my tears away start focusing on the pieces of sunshines in my life.

There is a reason my daddy calls me his sunshine and I need to keep thinking sunshine thoughts and remember that I have alot to smile about.

My song to my pieces of sunshines:


Hair: [e] Quirky - Brown 08
Outfit: CCC Jumper Dress (Gray) 
Shoes: CCC Colour Change T-Strap Shoes

Pose: Lolapop! Little Piece of Sunshine (Kawaii Fair)

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